July 28th QT Chats: Branding for Reinventing Your Business in 2020 (& Beyond)


We’ll succeed if we band together through the COVID crisis and recession. Don’t struggle alone. We’re bringing the community together through free webinars / Q&A sessions with our team and other experts. Here are the details for how to join: Quaranteam HR and Finance Chats. Here are the updates from the latest webinar on Branding for Reinventing Your Business in 2020 (& Beyond).

2020-July 28th QT Chats: Branding for Reinventing Your Business in 2020 (& Beyond)

Download the slides HERE


The 5 Step Process to Adapt Your Brand

  1. Think about your most ideal client
  2. Ask yourself what’s been affecting them most lately
  3. Consider how those things have affected their world view
  4. Determine how their shift in perspective will alter their view of your business
  5. Prioritize a list of changes you can make to best serve your ideal client

Big Bold Brand