July 14th QT Chats
The Knife’s Edge: Safety vs Privacy and COVID Discrimination
We’ll succeed if we band together through the COVID crisis and recession. Don’t struggle alone. We’re bringing the community together through free webinars / Q&A sessions with our team and other experts. Here are the details for how to join: Quaranteam HR and Finance Chats. Here are the updates from the latest webinar on Safety vs Privacy and COVID Discrimination.
The Knife’s Edge: Safety vs Privacy and COVID Discrimination
Download the slides HERE
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Our Guest Speaker
Ian Bell is a co-creator of RingCentral, the world’s largest business phone service. He also founded Tingle, the world’s first dating app, and RosterBot, the world’s first online team manager. He’s been a Product Manager at Cisco Systems and BC TEL, and was an Apple Research Fellow pioneering web technologies while completing his degree in Communications at SFU. He leads marketing for Darwin Labs, which is the maker of Guardian — a pioneering Enterprise Health Management solution.