July 21st QT Chats: How to Think About SRED and IRAP in 2020


We’ll succeed if we band together through the COVID crisis and recession. Don’t struggle alone. We’re bringing the community together through free webinars / Q&A sessions with our team and other experts. Here are the details for how to join: Quaranteam HR and Finance Chats. Here are the updates from the latest webinar on How to Think About SRED and IRAP in 2020.

2020-July-21 QT Chats

Download the slides HERE

Highlights & Resources


Funding is open all year but it is competitive and in some sectors tends to be allocated quickly.

Firms should ensure they have sufficient funding to support their business growth plans without IRAP funding. IRAP’s role is to de-risk/accelerate.

The company also needs to have a firm plan on how to commercialize the R&D project outcome.

IRAP in general does not fund the salaries of Founders and Senior Executives.


R&D tax incentives are the government’s way of rewarding businesses developing new or improving existing products, processes, services, devices and materials, or advancing the state of knowledge in their sector

1.3 million companies in Canada. CRA states in 2017 only about 22,000 claims were made. 

They Shared $3 Billion.

There is significant under-claiming